Join Artistic Director, Grant Hodges, via Zoom for Kite Making @ Home! 
Participants will enjoy the relaxing and rewarding activity of making these fantastic mini paper kites and, once they have finished, can fly their unique creations around outside. Our kites use a simple design that is suitable for young participants while also being engaging for our older participants. Children of all ages will love this creative experience that provides a fun and interactive link between the arts and outdoor recreation! 
For this 30-minute FREE hands-on workshop participants will need:
  • A laptop, tablet or smartphone to access Zoom;
  • Scissors;
  • Sticky tape;
  • Hole punch (optional);
  • Felt tips pens or pencils (for decorating);
  • A4 piece of paper (any colour);
  • Bamboo kebab stick (20 cm);
  • Plastic bag or bin liner (for tail of the kite); and
  • Wool (2 metres), however, if you do not have wool, other fine string such as jute, fishing line or cotton will work.
Once you have registered to confirm your place in Kite Making @ Home!, Bazil Grumble will email you a Zoom link.
  • Click HERE for 2:30pm Thursday 30 April (prep to grade 6); and
  • Click HERE for 4:00pm Thursday 30 April (prep to grade 6).

Our Creative Arts Experiences @ Home! is in response to the recent announcement that Queensland school students will learn at home for the first five weeks of Term 2, with schools only open for the children of essential workers. The move to the home-based learning model starts on Monday, 20 April and will be in place until at least Friday, 22 May. Our online sessions aim to provide fun, interact learning materials that participants can access from home! We will be offering more Creative Arts Experiences @ Home! so like us on Facebook or email