Child Care Centre Visits
In our drama workshop, participants will play drama games, explore their creative side through improvisation and have fun learning acting, voice and movement techniques. In a supportive environment, drama workshops develop participants’ confidence, communication and presentation skills, group interaction, improvisation and imagination.
Communication is crucial to belonging, being and becoming. Children are social beings who are intrinsically motivated to exchange ideas, thoughts, questions and feelings, and to use a range of tools and media including drama to express themselves, connect with others and extend their learning.
The Early Years Framework for Australia
Clay Play
Focusing on themes of sustainability, recycling and creating art with materials found within our natural environment, Clay Play is a workshop designed to highlight an artist in action! A professional potter will visit your centre and bring a pottery wheel so that children can see an artist at work first hand, and hear about what a potter does. Be amazed and inspired as you watch the clay being centred, and then made into a range of incredible objects! Adults and children alike will be intrigued and fascinated by this unique presentation!
Materials enhance learning when they reflect what is natural and familiar and also introduce novelty to provoke interest and more complex and increasingly abstract thinking. Environments and resources can also highlight our responsibility for a sustainable future and to care for the environment. They foster hope, wonder and knowledge about the natural world.
The Early Years Framework for Australia
Staff Professional development
Bazil Grumble are specialists in the facilitation of professional development experiences for teachers and artists. Hundreds of child care educators throughout Brisbane and South East Queensland have experienced and continue to implement strategies gained from attendance at Bazil Grumble professional development sessions. We offer drama, clay play, clay animation and visual arts, and at the completion of the workshop participants will receive a resource kit that outlines key concepts and a certificate of participation. We come to your child care centre and tailor a workshop to suit your needs. Fill in a contact form and we will be in touch with more information.